
Montag, 30. September 2013


unser hausberg der lilienstein - entrückt in wolkenschleiern

die fichte vor´m schlafzimmerfenster mit brillantschmuck

morgens in der küche.....

der bilch auf der suche nach seinem winterspeck

regenbogen über der elbe


schäfchen zu besuch

2 Kommentare:

  1. You really live in one of the prettiest, most verdant spots I've ever seen, dear Beate. The rainbow looks like a scene from a fairy tale or movie. We've had rainy weather here all week, which brought us not one, but two rainbows (on different days) - much to my delight (as it can be months between rainbows here). I like to think they're a sign that good things are to laying ahead in October.

    Big hugs & joyful Monday wishes,
    ♥ Jessica

  2. Now, if I lived somewhere as beautiful as you then I'd probably find Autumn more bearable but in an industrial town in the British Midlands it's ugly, drizzly, grey and miserable! x
