
Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2014

pinsel und farbe

ich zeichne und male seit ich stift/pinsel halten kann. aber aus irgendeinem grund (will ich den wissen?) hab ich nie "richtige" kunst gemacht, sprich gemälde gefertigt.
ich bin eher der "angewandte kunst"-typ, zeichnungen um meine ideen von kleidern, möbeln, räumen etc. festzuhalten, malerei als dekoration oder eben einfach "gebrauchsgrafik".

ein beispiel: DLM brachte eine simple rohholzkiste mit, vom sperrmüll. sie sollte die abends abgelegten "kleinteile" wie schal, uhr, gürtel aufbewahren damit der kram nicht im schlafzimmer rumkullert.
damit DLM sich freut habe ich die kiste angestrichen und bemalt - bauernstil. 
und er hat sich gefreut!

ein anderes beispiel: 
vor kurzem wurde der schostakowitsch-museeums-verein gegründet. ich war dabei. spontan sollte ein banner her, die zeit und die finanzen waren knapp. also mal ein bisschen "old school" gebrauchsgrafik gemacht:

schostakowitsch war zur kur in gohrisch, dort schrieb er das 8.streichquartett. obwohl er eigentlich filmmusik komponieren sollte. ts.

11 Kommentare:

  1. All your creations are beautiful! Love the "clutter" box, so tender looking, who wouldn't want to have one like this? Interesting info about Shostakovich (love the old fashioned banner - they are the best, and you really captured the spirit). I think art is not in what you do, but in how you do it. It's my theory that our creative abilities are not for only hanging the art on the walls, but for creating the life that we want for ourselves - that's the ultimate meaning of art for me. :)

    I would like to paint some of the furniture pieces at some point too. There is something so romantic about painted furniture.

    Love xxxxx

    1. natascha!
      i´m sure that furniture painted by you will be very beautiful!
      i love your definition of art!

  2. How wonderfully pretty! I really like the classic - I'd even go so far as to say subtly Regency era-esque - look of white and light blue paint together like that. It's gorgeous and reminds me of various types of china, including Wedgwood.

    Fabulous, creative work, dear Beate!

    ♥ Jessica

  3. Your painted pieces are so pretty and so personal. I like the banner. We need one for our pop-up festival shop but both of us are a bit nervous at painting the first stroke. xxx

    1. make the design clear in a small scale on paper - then draw with a light pencil first.....

  4. I agree with Natalia that art and artistic skills are not confined to creating paintings for the wall! As your crate and banner show, you have great visual style and skills, and I suspect you live your life by creative and artistic principles. Your gardening, cooking, how you arrange your home, your clothes, all these speak of an artistic soul! But I would love to see more of your drawings and sketches - will you show us? xxx

    1. thanx curtise!
      maybe i can scan some stuff for you and the other girls....

  5. Haha! I made a similar box for my brother that said "Stuff" on it. I love the painted banner, too. Now I'm trying to find a reason to make one of my own.

    1. hihi - "stuff"boxes seem to be in the air lately - did you made pics??

  6. I was always attracted to the practical art as well. I like to make art to wear, or carry(I made evening bags to sell for a while), or use. I also think the way we arrange our rooms and set the table is art, if we think about it and make it meaningful to us. Eg. We always have a candle.
    I love your folk art box and banner. Beautifully done! Xo JJ
