
Donnerstag, 23. Oktober 2014


.......draussen die herbststürme toben - so wie letzte nacht, musste um mitternacht aufstehen um die fensterläden zu schliessen, sicherheitshalber - wenn also der sommer definitiv vorbei ist....... nicht weiss ob das die letzten blumen des sommers oder vielleicht doch die ersten des winters sind..........

.....dann macht man es sich eben drin gemütlich!

der warme ton von messing lässt die raumtemperatur gleich ansteigen - gefühlt. wie man sein wohnzimmer mit chrom einrichten kann wird mir immer ein rätsel bleiben....

tisch mit schachbrett vom flohmarkt, messingvase (unter hortensienblüte) ein geschenk aus indien, kerze aus behindertenwerkstatt - geschenk einer lieben freundin /schale darunter handgetöpfert von´nem freund, glasbonbondose - erbstück* (enthält unsere muscheln vom lido), künstlerisch emaillierter aschenbecher - erbstück*, rauchglasschale - lieblingserbstück*, nüsse an der strasse gekauft - gartenbesitzer bieten oft ihre "überproduktion" den vorbeifahrenden für kleines geld/kasse des vertrauens an.

*familie von DLM

ausserdem kann man "handarbeiten" machen.......

zum beispiel kleine fluffige täschchen nähen für den geburtstag der lieben freundin:

euch allen einen wunderschönen herbst mit rote backen machenden spaziergängen durch raschelndes laub und gemütlichen stunden drin bei tee und kuchen!!!!

7 Kommentare:

  1. Wow, what a dramatic sky! Your home has so many lovely treasured objects, Beate, and I can see you like to bring the natural world inside your home too. I can't keep a houseplant alive, I have killed so many over the years I have now given up! Yes, I think a brisk autumn walk through the leaves, followed by tea and cake by the fire, sounds lovely - I'd be very happy to join you! xxx

  2. I love gemütlich! Gemütlich rules! And you are definitely a Queen of Gemütlich! I enjoyed this post a lot - pure poetry! Please post more of your home, it is so cozy, it warms mu heart... We have the same rugs from IKEA!!! :)

    I want to send you something to add to your wonderful home, I don't even know what yet - just want to think of you and send you something. What's your address? Shoot me an email please!!

    Love and snuggles xxxxx

  3. I come to your blog for the beauty. Your photos are always gorgeous and so are you. So much beauty here it is better than any glossy magazine spread! I would love to go for a walk with you and I am certain we would both be bringing home leaves and branches. I can't resist fir cones either.

  4. That is such a brazenly beautiful autumn sunset. I must say, for all the immense beauty of the part of the world we live in, we don't get treated to many spectacular sunsets here (I thin that stems at least in part from the fact that we're situated in a valley), so I always really enjoy seeing breathtaking ones like that on my friends' blogs.

    Such pretty, wonderful fall images, dear Beate.

    Oodles of hugs,
    ♥ Jessica

  5. Your home is fabulous, so much greenery and my favourite, a beaded chandelier.
    The sky is very dramatic. How lovely to be able to appreciate it without all the street lighting that spoils ours.
    Hope your friend has a wonderful birthday, her Beate-made gift is gorgeous. xxx

  6. Your home will be lovely and cosy in Winter, I can tell.
    We studied your shutters for a while, couldn't tell if it was a very close building next door or shutters, until I read the text. We envy you shutters. Would love some!
    We have our children at a Steiner school here, and it has a similar feeling to your home.
    And you burn your candles! Yes, yes, yeeeees!!
    I always feel sad to see a dusty unburnt candle. Xo JJ

    1. our shutters are 2.hand and far away from perfect, but do the work :-)
      dusty unburnt candles look so dead...
