
Samstag, 8. November 2014


2.november, sonnenschein. der wald hat sich vergoldet.....

.....hinaus, hinauf.....

...durch ein romantisch düsteres tal...

....geologie und fauna tun ihr bestes.... grossen.......

...wie im kleinen...

...ab hier bräuchte man eine kletterausrüstung...

...und hosen! kariertes kleid natürlich von mir, strickjacke hat oma früher getragen...

....wir bleiben auf dem weg....

....geniessen das licht-& farbenspiel....

wer sieht den kletterer?

...der wald glitzerte förmlich...

...hauptanteil daran haben die buchen, aber auch ein paar eichen liessen sich nicht lumpen...

....das berglein links heisst "die hohe liebe"....

...schaurige abgründe...

.....abstieg durchs "schwarze loch".....

...irgendwo hier steht wohl das häuschen auf dem hühnerbein...

....und da ist der falkenstein wieder - im abendsonnenschein.

10 Kommentare:

  1. Sigh....what stunning photos of a beautiful place! Thanks to you I can go on beautiful nature hikes and not leave my bed!!

  2. Ahh a golden forest! Can't beat 'em. Your forests are so tidy with no bits of bark or branches lying around. Apart from the leaves of couse.
    Thanks for sharing your lovely walk with us. Xo JJ

  3. I checked the other day on the internet and it seems that your area has beautiful natyre around...but I knew that already because of your posts and the beautiful photos of your walks. I so love that you wear your skirt on your walks. It's so much your style!!!

  4. What wonderful photos of your hike, Beate. I love the light through the trees, and those huge towering rocks. Of course, you and your darling man are always the most stylish hikers in the forest, love the checked dress and your grandma's red sweater. The photo of you walking through the trees, dwarfed by the natural beauty around you, is my favourite. xxx

  5. You live in such a picturesquely beautiful part of the world, dear Beate. How wonderful that there is such an abundance of greenery still there this late into the fall. We have were whispers of it on this end still, but the world is quickly looking more and more like winter with each passing day (though we've been spared snow so far).

    Love your vibrant, classic read sweater (jumper). It makes for a gorgeous juxtaposition amongst the earthy browns, soft greens, and mellow yellows of the forest.

    Tons of hugs,
    ♥ Jessica

  6. Euch beiden würde ich gerne mal im Wald begegnen, so ein elegantes Paar :-)

  7. I'm overwhelmed by the beauty! I didn't think much could top the Lake District but your home is a strong contender. I love those magnificent rocks and , of course, your cool walking gear! xxx

  8. Danke, dass du uns auf diese herrliche Wanderung mitgenommen hast Ich war mal mit einer amerikanischen Besuchergruppe in der sächsischen Schweiz und sie waren ganz begeistert von der Landschaft. Der Bach hat es mir angetan:) LG Sabina @Oceanblue Style

  9. Wow, you are at the base of an enormous forest! The photos are just amazing. I need to get out in nature with my camera more often.

  10. I will never be tired of this beauty! Such a magnificent day in your magic forest! I am so surprised still how much it reminds me of Stolby... Love the photo of you in front of the tall rock and walking down the trail in woods - you look like Thumbelina among these giant trees, or like Little Red Riding Hood! Sure there must be a house on chicken legs somewhere down the path... (did you know that they are actually based on real hunting huts in Siberia?)

    I was so surprised that I could understand the very first phrase without translation (I forgot German, but sometimes I can figure out written phrases). Wahoo! :)

    Love and many sunny days to you and your beloved one! Hugses! xxxxxxx
