
Samstag, 13. Dezember 2014

der erste!

auf einen frostigen morgen folgte ein trüber tag...

aber am nachmittag:

der erste schnee der saison!

weil ich sowieso raus musste um kohlen zu holen fix ein paar fotos gemacht....

zum glück für unsere gefiederten freunde haben wir am wochenende das futterhäuschen aufgebaut:

aus einer astgabel, ´nem alten dachziegel und bauholzresten. bisschen reisig dazu - fertig.
das dach für die meisenknödel war ein geschenk, bemalt habe ich es aber selbst......

7 Kommentare:

  1. Congratulations on your first snow! I know you were waiting for it so much. Birds will be so happy to have food and a little cute shelter - and you'll be happy to watch them from your window, good for everyone. :) We saw a hummingbird today while having lunch at home. He stopped right in front of us by our big window - such a special moment. Hugs! xxxxx

  2. Ein schönes Vogelhäusel. Das Federvieh ist ja eh recht wählerisch. Je naturbelassener, je lieber dürfte es ihnen sein.
    Leichten Schnee hatten wir auch schon. Aber aktuell ist es leider viel zu warm.
    LG Sunny

  3. I just love it when you show your home. It looks so cozy, especially in the snow. A winter wonderland!

  4. How wonderfully magical!!! There is such a rush when the first snow begins falling. My inner child comes rushing to surface (not that she's usually all that buried to begin with :)) and it's all I can do to not run outside and stick out my tongue to catch a few of the "first batch".

    Wishing you many lovely, snowy, beautiful winter days ahead, dear Beate!

    ♥ Jessica

    1. thank you! now the winter will come!
      sadly its all melted now :-( if i win the lottery i´ll take a plane to whistler and on the way i´ll pick you up - would´t we have fun playing in the "champagne powder" there? :-)

    2. That would be over-the-moon awesome! And if I win, I'll do the same and come pay you a visit, my dear friend. That would be a dream come true!

      ♥ Jessica

  5. It's always a joy to see the sights around your home. Love that bird feeder, and the pretty sprinkling of first snow. xxx
