
Donnerstag, 17. April 2014

frohe ostern

für mich ist ostern das fest des frühlings - des erwachens der natur nach dem - scheintoten - winter, der fruchtbarkeit der tiere. also wird gefeiert. 5 tage lang. mit blumen, bunten eiern, häschen und hühnchen. leckerem, festlichen essen, kuchen und - eierlikör! und dem einen oder anderen tänzchen. ganz sicher schon vor samstag nacht 24:00.

10 Kommentare:

  1. I like your Easter far more than the common one - over indulging with nasty, sweet things and killing yourself going DIY!
    Love those wooden animals, that artful Spring bouquet and that crazy tablecloth. xxx

  2. Such pretty little decorations. We don't really bother with Easter, a chocolate Easter egg each for the kids and that's it. But I do like the change in the season, the flowers and the warmer weather! xxx

  3. I am falling in love with your home! Rich color of the wall, paintings, embroidery on the tablecloth and pillows (I have the same pillow from IKEA btw, lovely!), and flowers... So colorful, so pretty! I only have one family tradition for Easter. We are not religious, and I just keep it since it's from my childhood, and my Mom's childhood... We color eggs with onion peels, they become rich brownish-reddish color, and then we have "egg fight" for breakfast - whose egg cracks all other's eggs. But your tradition of celebration is so sweet and romantic. I love it!

    1. thank you natalia!
      around here the slavic minority - sorben - does this "egg fight" with beautiful colored eggs outdoors by rolling the eggs down a hill.... in my childhood we used onion peel too to color white eggs :-)

  4. Pretty little vignettes! I don't decorate for Easter and would not really cook a special dinner though mum and I decided we would have one with just mum and dad, myself and my son so we are doing that on Saturday. We just like any old excuse to have dinner together.

    I love the little figurines. Are they wood or ceramic? I can't quite tell. And the embroidery and flowers-all so pretty!
    Happy Easter, dear friend!

    1. thanks shawna!
      the figurines are wood and antique, around here is a great tradition in woodcarving, easter and x-mas themed mostly.
      wish you a gorgeous dinner with your family!

  5. Your arrangements are so pretty! XXX

  6. Your Easter tree is absolutely beautiful, as is all of your festive decor. For many years, I focused my holiday decorating on Halloween and Christmas, but for the past three or so now, I've found that I want to go all out on Easter, too. I don't have many pieces yet, but thankfully mother nature provides a lot of help there in the form of temporary decor like flowers, pussy willow branches, bowls of dyed eggs, and even just warm rays of sunshine shinning enchantingly though the window.

    I wish you and Rainer a fantastic, happiness filled Easter weekend celebration, my dear friend!

    ♥ Jessica

  7. This is definitely the time of year to start bringing in as many fresh flowers as the tabletops will allow! I've just been drinking in the scent from my Easter lilies. Can't wait for lilacs!
