
Mittwoch, 23. April 2014


das wetter ist schuld gewesen. 
eigentlich sollte man am ostersonntag schön zu hause bleiben. eigentlich.
aber in diesen breiten ist solch kaiserwetter zu ostern eine rarität, wenn´s nicht regnet dann schneit´s. also sonntagsstaat angezogen, in´s automobil gehüpft und in die oberlausitz gefahren.
dort hat sich - durch übertünchen mit christlicher symbolik - ein heidnischer brauch erhalten: festlich gekleidete männer(!) reiten singend und betend auf liebevoll geschmückten pferden(!) um die eben eingesäten äcker. fruchtbarkeitsritus, zweifellos.
zelebriert von der hier ansässigen slavischen minderheit, den sorben.
die idee gefiel mir.

um ausser pferdchen noch was zu sehen fuhren wir zum kloster st. marienstern. eine prächtige katholische insel im protestantischen sachsen......

jetzt kommt das aber. ich fürchte 90% der anwesenden zuschauer war da aus den gleichen gründen aus denen sie zu einem fussballspiel gehen. auf engstem raum zusammensein mit gleich tumben individuen und es gibt was zu glotzen..........

schnell weg!
nach einem überraschend leckerem mittagessen in der dorfwirtschaft gegenüber des klosters sind wir nach dem winzigen weiler ostro gefahren. dort gibt es eine 2500 jahre alte burganlage.....

spaziergang auf der wallkrone

am fuss des burgwalls

natürlich passt die picknickdecke zu rock und handtasche

anlassgerechte ohrringe

antique böhmische glasperlenbrosche

erbstück - edelweiss aus knochen? horn? elfenbein?

12 Kommentare:

  1. Don't you look the picture of bucolic bliss? I love your outfit and your heirloom jewellery and the peaceful place you picnicked in.
    Arghhhh...all those mindless crowds on Bank Holidays, not there 'co they want to be just to brag about it to anyone who listens. xxx

    1. thank goodness we can still find places "of bucolic bliss"! love this :-) thanks darling <3

  2. Oh your jewellery is so wonderful!
    Actually, you look as though you should be picnicking among the heather in the Scottish highlands, in your fabulous tartan skirt and beautiful shawl.
    Well, Easter is really all about fertility and new life, isn't it? I mean the pre-Christian celebrations at this time of year which Christianity took over (whitewashed is a good way to describe it - Christianity struggles with sex!). So if men want to prance about on beautiful horses, that's fine! xxx

    1. thanks curtise!
      christian whitewash is a great term :-)

  3. It looks like such a beautiful outing and so nice to get away from crowds. You look gorgeous in your outfit and I love the skirt and shawl. That is really lovely heirloom jewelry too. Such gorgeous photos. I am quite envious!

    1. thank you my dear!
      next time you come over here - i sew you an outfit and we make pretty pictures of you in our lovely landscape :-)

  4. Happy to see your Russian platok again! :) What a lovely glass brooch and that old necklace too... It seems like you found a nice quiet spot for your picnic. Beautiful traditions of celebration you have over there, Beate! What exactly are the Slavic minority - mostly Czech perhaps?

    1. that platok is not only pretty - its very practical when the chilly wind springs out the bushes :-)
      they are called Sorben -Срьби_(Лѫжичьсци) - the german text is much more detailed. they came from the (now) ukrainian direction around 600.....

    2. Very interesting. I have heard the term before, лужицкие сербы, but didn't realized that this is the minority you talk about. I'll read the article in English, it's quite detailed.

  5. Every element of this ensemble is terrific, but I cannot help but be drawn to your charmingly pretty accessories most of all. From the Easter basket earrings to the tiny beaded brooch, I love (and would totally wear!) them all. You've really put together a special and stylish springtime outfit here, dear Beate.

    Happy Friday wishes & tons of hugs,
    ♥ Jessica

    1. i got hubby to photograph the brooch with you in my mind! as i bought it i did not know you - but i wish the czech dealer would appear again on the fleamarked with his box of this little hearts......
      thank you&hugs&xxxx

  6. I've always had a thing for Edleweiss. Besides being a huge "Sound of Music" fan, my grandmother is full-blooded Austrian. So pretty!
