
Montag, 23. Juni 2014

museumstag in venedig

der tag versprach heiss zu werden. ein klimatisiertes museum - prima idee! 
aber keine bange, ganz so schlimme kulturbanausen sind wir nicht....

zuerst natürlich in die kunstakademie. erstaunlicherweise keine schlange vor der tür, gut besucht aber nicht überlaufen. allerdings auch gut bewacht - also keine fotos. aber es gibt natürlich eine website. es ist einfach unglaublich. die berühmtesten, schönsten, beeindruckendsten bilder der welt! und davon richtig viele! worte sind hier nicht genug. hinfahren, ansehen!

nach der mittagspause vor einem winzigen café - in der sonne! die accademia war sehr gut klimatisiert - ging´s in die ca´rezzonico. ca´ist venezianischer dialekt für casa.....

die treppen zum canale grande - bei ebbe


im garten
in diesem wundervollen palazzo werden komplette einrichtungen aus dem 18.jahrhundert ausgestellt, aus verschiedenen palazzi zusammengetragen.
(selbstverständlich kein blitz, deswegen manchmal ziemlich unscharf. aber die objekte sind einfach zu grandios....)


deckenmalerei mit dickem pferd

natürlich murano

rockoko-chinoiserien auf zimmertür

china/asien war schwer in mode damals

 18.jh. chinese


das ding ist GIGANTISCH


unter anderem gibt es ein komplettes hölzernes rockoko-boudoir, mit alkoven, bett, spiegeln, puderraum, ankleidezimmer und wandschränken. alles allerliebst geschnitzt und bemalt:


canale grande aus dem dachfenster
unterm dach eine pinakothek. mehrere riesige privatsammlungen die dem museum gestiftet wurden.
herzallerliebste satyre, putten, kindlein und wunderschöne frauen:

man ist ganz erschlagen von so viel schönheit. selbst die treppengeländer sind kunstwerke......


rotes kleid mit provencalischem muster & grossen taschen/erspart die handtasche - von mir
gürtel - 2.hand
ohrringe - pfennigladen
sonnenbrille - drogerie

11 Kommentare:

  1. So much beauty is right! That enormous chandelier is spectacular, and the paintings and boudoir, so gorgeous. The end of the banister is a lovely touch!
    Fabulous dress, Beate, that scooped neckline at the back is beautiful. xxx

  2. OH I love all that divine opulence and grandeur!
    Your hair looks wonderful worn plaited like that and the scooped out back of your dress is very sexy! xxx

  3. I love the way your dress is simple elegance at the front and the lovely details are at the back, with the scooped neckline and your braided hair!
    The detailed opulence of the architecture and art is breathtaking. I once saw a home featured in a magazine, where it was a tiny little semi-detached city house but inside it had all the grandeur like in your pictures here-the ornate details, the art, and and the look of a grand palace. It was a really amazing effect to do in a small place. So, now I am wondering, should I paint little naked babies all over my walls? ;-)

    1. oh please paint your walls renaissance/rococo style! ;-)
      the dress is easy to sew - perfect for beginners........waving with a fence lath....

  4. Ohhh very sensuous dress! So unassuming upfront - and then ta-daaa! Love such surprises. Cool earrings too. I would wear them. :)

    It's all very grand. I think you are right - one has to see all of it with one's own eyes, pictures no matter how beautiful they are - just not the same. Venice is one of my dream places to visit, for sure... I want that chandelier in my cottage! Right here in the living room. It would probably fill the whole room. I wonder if it would even fit in here. :)

    Thank you for taking us with you on this amazing trip, Beate! xxxxxxxx

  5. It's a little known fact in the scope of my blog, but I'm actually a massive fan of rococo style and a great many elements of 18th century art, fashion, design, decor and so on. As such, this resplendent museum took my breath clean away!!! No joke, I scrolled through, and savoured, each of the photos you shared with us of it four time and will cap my viewing off with a fifth once I've written this comment. I'm inspired and entranced and suddenly have a strong urge to dress like I'm from 18th Venice... :)

    ♥ Jessica

    1. i can easily imagine that you lived in 18th venice in an earlier live! you have that spirit....

  6. Thanks for another fascinating tour! I just have to say how much I love your simple but sexy dress. You have the back for it! I love the lining and edging details, and pairing it with green. Is it fruit, the pattern? Of course you found the most beautiful red wall for backdrop :-) oh yes, the paintings and the objects were beautiful too ;-) Why do we live with such plain walls these days? Oh to live (with money) in the time when homes were embellished with little details. Mind you, I'm doing my little bit here at home! XO

    1. thanx! the dress is sooo simple sewn you would´t believe it. the pattern are traditional provencal folk art flowers, more here:
      funnily the pants fabric from nice pic is the lining of that dress - unintentionel.
      you and your home have a lot of renaissance age spirit :-)

  7. Ohhhh genial! Venedig! Und Du siehst so chic aus... bella donna :))
    Danke fürs linken, ich freu mich!
    Dicken Drücker Tina

  8. Love this too - I remember this post! That dress with an open back is fantastic on you! And I now have similar earrings, only yellow. :)
