
Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2014


gerade hab ich gesehen das der 21.juni auf einen samstag fällt.
na da werden sämtliche freizeitdruiden und möchtegerngermanen richtig einen drauf machen...........
hoffentlich regnets. 

die erste hälfte des junis ist weiss - jede menge sonnenlicht, weisse blüten allerorten und fast weisse nächte.......

aus den weissen holunderblüten kann man sirup machen. oder gelee. ich hab mir das unkomplizierteste siruprezept rausgesucht - herrlich. 4 flaschen süsser, blütenduftender vorrat. für limonade oder bowle.............

14 Kommentare:

  1. I love white flowers quite passionately and always had a white version of my favourite things. I tried to make an all white garden once but my husband kept planting orange things near it so I gave up. I needed a closed in spot, a little garden room for a white garden. The rest of my garden had lots of colour but white flowers are special. They are usually very fragrant too. I love your white flower photos. Thank you for sharing them. I have never had elderflower syrup. Do people make elderflower wine? I am sure I have heard of that.

    1. i heard of that too but never had some. how rude of your ex to disturb your garden plans!

  2. Glorious! Isn't it fascinating how certain colours seem to come on all the flowers at once. We used to have a purple time and a yellow time in Sydney I remember. We are celebrating the Winter Solstice tonight at our kids' school. They go to a Steiner may have heard of it. They celebrate the seasons. The Artist and his class are performing with real flame! He is beyond excited ! Thankyou for the white flower photos. We have the little seaside daisy Erigeron in our garden too. I love how it goes pink as it fades. All the best for your Summer Solstice XO

    1. thank you JJ - lots of fun for your solstice celebration!!

  3. I love Elderflower champagne - it grows in abundance in Liz's garden and we have an annual party and drink her home brew in August (and get atrociously drunk!) xxx

  4. What a splendidly lovely array of white blooms! So fresh and beautiful! They make me think as though nature were preparing for a wedding, and perhaps it is of sorts - one between sunshine and happiness that we all get to enjoy for a few glorious weeks.

    Wishing you a truly fantastic summer, deae Beate!
    ♥ Jessica

    1. thanks for your summer wishes - enjoy your canadian summer my dear!!!!

  5. Good to be back in your all white fragrant corner, today. My favorite is jasmin both white and irresistably fragrant. As for summer solstice, it has to be the most magical night of the year!

    1. jasmin does´t grow here in the north - but we had lots of it in venice last month :-)

  6. Look at all the glorious white blossoms and blooms against a green backdrop, so beautiful! My friend makes lovely elderflower cordial, but champagne sounds better!
    Yes, Summer Solstice tomorrow. Will you be dancing naked in the moonlight, Beate?! xxxx

  7. Feast for my eyes! Thank you, Beatochka! :) I only know about elderflower (бузина) from Russian poetry. :) It's really glorious...

    Love the photo with the blue table - it melts my heart...

    Hugses xxxxxxxx

    1. thank you my dear! "beatochka" sounds cute :-)
      we use the elderberrys too, very healthy to drink the juice in winter......
