
Montag, 16. Juni 2014

piazza san marco

ertragt ihr es noch?

nach einem heftigen abendlichem gewitter haben wir das boot den canale grande hinab genommen und uns standesgemäss von der wasserseite her dem wichtigsten platz in venedig genähert.
dogenpalast und marcusbasilika stehen da wie feenschlösser, überall fabelwesen und marmor in allen pastelltönen. ein regenbogen. rosa laternen. und wir völlig von den socken.........

6 Kommentare:

  1. That looks chilly but still beautiful! The covered arcade, that's St Mark's Square, isn't it? I remember lusting after a gorgeous blue Murano glass chandelier in a shop there! xxx

    1. i think we pressed our nose at the same shop window! i remember unbelievable beautiful murano glass in a shop there.....

  2. Google Translate made quite a mess of that, but I know I see much beautiful architecture and two beautiful people!

  3. I'd forgotten the coloured glass in the street lamps! Your camera must have been running hot by this time! Thanks for sharing all your beautiful shots. Some lovely photos to ponder.

    1. is´t a great idea to put pink glass in the lamps!!! sooo romantic!

  4. Such beautiful photos, Beate. And you look gorgeous in your little pink beret! xxx
