
Montag, 22. September 2014


die kosmetikindustrie lügt.
jedenfalls meistens.
letztens bin ich beim lesen diverser an frauen addressierter seiten im internet darüber gestolpert - was frau denn alles benutzen und tun soll um die "schönheit" ihres gesichts zu erhalten......

- jeden abend abschminken
aha. nie getan. einfach samt kriegsbemalung in die kissen gesunken.

- spezielle abschmink- und reinigungsprodukte benutzen
ist ja nicht so dass ich ein schmutzfink bin - ich nehm schon mein ganzes leben lang simple (pflanzenöl)seife und wasser um mein gesicht zu säubern. für hartnäckige fälle pflanzliches öl - auch schon mal aus der küche. 

- peeling
1x täglich wasser und seife tun´s auch

- hochwertige, sprich teure cremes
meine feuchtigkeitscremes haben nie mehr als 10€/(mark) gekostet, meistens unter 5. es waren reinfälle dabei, aber das kann einem auch bei 80€ passieren.

ein nerviges winterliches ekzem auf den wangen hat sich von selbst erledigt nachdem ich die zentralgeheizte wohnung gegen ein ofengeheiztes haus getauscht hatte. 

das einzige was ich wirklich wichtig finde ist vernünftiger sonnenschutz. wobei man natürlich auch da des guten zuviel tun kann. ein paar sonnenstrahlen sollten schon zu uns durchdringen können - schliesslich sind wir keine grottenolme.

statt mein gesicht in grossaufnahme bunte bilder von garten und haus............

und meinereiner in lauter sachen die "man nicht tut".
als da wären - blumen zu karos, indische hippy-ohringe zum bleistiftrock, socken in stiefeletten, kein makeup und zurückgekämmtes haar......

schal + ohringe - indien
rock + bluse - von mir
gummigaloschen - lidl

9 Kommentare:

  1. Dein Das-tut-man-nicht rockt ;) Ich bin ein Kosmetik-Junkie, allerdings nur in Sachen Naturkosmetik. Mehr gibts bald auf meinem Blog.

  2. As a beautiful woman yourself I'd much prefer your advice on beauty products than a corporate, animal testing monster. xxx

  3. You look amazing, make-up or no make-up, Beate! Natural beauty, that's what you have. I can't believe what some women are prepared to spend on skin care and make-up. I keep it cheap and simple, my skin is troublesome so I don't mess around with new products all the time. Keep to your simple routine, my dear, it's clearly working wonderfully well! xxx

  4. You know what makes you to stand out, Beate? Yes, you are a very beautiful woman - thank you, Mom and Dad! - but you are also kind, loving, and in harmony with yourself and your life. And all of it shows in your face. About 40, mid-life, is this tricky age when each of us pretty much has a choice - to get sad and bitter with all the disappointments we had in life up to this point, or not get disappointments let us down, not let our heart and soul get sour and hard and still have dreams and believe that the second half of life is full of love, joy and we can create the life we want to create for ourselves, instead of just "coping" with hardships and disappointments.

    A sophisticated beauty routine might help to prevent a few wrinkles - at the end, it's what we believe, a placebo effect. But it won't write "happy and in harmony with myself and the world" on a face. That is up to each of us to decide, what we write on our face. And it's impossible to fake.

    As always, love seeing your beautiful garden and your unique and so inviting house. I'd love to live next door, though I would miss my sea! :)

    Much love xxxxx

  5. You do have a natural beauty without having to wear make-up. I agree with Curtise. And I've been using the same cheap cream on my face for years and then try something that's suppose to have anti-aging benefits in it and none of it works. So I go back to my favorite cheap stuff!

    That is a really well fitting skirt you're wearing here. A pencil skirt with a kick flip for some flirt!

  6. Your garden is nearly as beautiful as you are! I sigh over both. I love your booties too-very cute. I spend so much time indoors these days I am usually barefoot or I just shove my feet into whatever is near the door if I have to pop out with the garbage or to get mail.

    I think there is much money to be wasted on beauty products and that to a certain degree we are genetically blessed, or we are not, with good skin. Staying out of the sun helps.

    You are a beautiful woman but there is much more to you than that, and that is what counts though I doubt many of us would turn down the chance to be beautiful if we could have beauty along with brains and good character. You were clearly blessed with all three.

  7. For some reason I couldn't translate this very well. But I get the gist with others' comments.
    Mr Artist would be over the moon if we lived next to a railway line! Your garden reflects your love and care, and yet it isn't ironed to perfection. There are wild elements as well, which all good gardens have.
    People often comment on my skin, and I use a very cheap water based cleanser. I think having oily skin helps! Although I hated it as a teenager:-)
    Your last pose is worthy of a model. You look so elegant and relaxed. I think it's the hands. And of course your beautiful self in your oh so gorgeous clothes.
    Thanks for a further peek into your world! :-) xo JJ

  8. Hihi, dann reihe ich mich mal ein: Du siehst wie immer fabelhaft aus :-) Springkraut gehört übrigens zu meinen absoluten Lieblingspflanzen, hab heute wieder viele Minuten vor einer kleinen Springkrautwiese gestanden und mich herrlich amüsiert. Liebe Grüße!

  9. I just found you via Curtise and I think you're a treasure! Beautiful shots of a glorious country, so vibrant and green. And what a beauty you are. xx
