Donnerstag, 15. Mai 2014

einmal um den quirl

nein - nicht das küchengerät. der "quirl" ist ein tafelberg, wie es in unserer gegend mehrere gibt.
wir hatten gerade eine erkältung überstanden und waren noch ganz schwächlich, wollten aber endlich mal wieder ein stück laufen. also musste eine kleine und nicht zu anstrengende runde her. so kam die umrundung des quirl ins programm.

auf dem anmarsch hat man eine schöne aussicht auf den königstein, auch ein tafelberg - aber mit festung obendrauf:

das maigrün der buchen ist einfach wunderschön, ein foto kann dieses grüne leuchten gar nicht wiedergeben!

im quirl ist die grösste schichtfugenhöhle der ganzen gegend. ich war feige und bin draussen geblieben aber der mutige ehemann ist in der höhle bis zum ende gelaufen und ich hab versucht das zu fotografieren:

märchenhafter wald und alte zahlen - 186 = forstmarkierung oder 1861 = jahreszahl????:

winzige farne, in 2 monaten sieht´s hier aus wie im dschungel.
die noch lichten baumkronen lassen genug sonne durch für jugendstil-klee:

auf dem heimweg - noch ein tafelberg. diesmal der pfaffenstein:

es ist immer wieder faszinierend wie nah beeinander hier wild wuchernder wald und säuberlich beackerte felder oder gärten sind......

10 Kommentare:

  1. You are right - it IS fascinating! The forest with rocks in it reminds me SO VERY MUCH of the natural reserve in Krasnoyarsk where I lived (called Krasnoyarsk Stolby - It's amazing, I loved hiking there (and even was so brave to climb the rocks). Stolby is a famous place, people from around the nation come there to see them with their eyes... It also became a fascinating cultural phenomena in Krasnoyarsk. I am in awe to learn that you have a place so similar where you live! Photos are wonderful. But I always hope to see you too. :) xxxxxxxx

    1. i know the stolby!!!!
      i read a lot mountaineer books - and in a story written by a local famous mountaineer the hero learns to climb in the stolbys! with a huge silk scarf for the way down!
      cool that you climb that rocks!

    2. WOW!! I would never guess - that's so cool!!! I discovered while climbing that I have a huge fear of hights though. Climbing up was fine, it's climbing down that troubled me. I thought they would have to call for a helicopter to get me down from the rocks. :)

  2. How beautiful, Beate, what an amazing place to go walking. Or climbing! Sunlight through leaves must be one of the prettiest lights in the world.
    I have no great insights to offer about photography, but thank you for liking my flower photos! I only have a little compact camera, so I just lean in close, semi-press the shutter to focus, then click and hope for the best! Sometimes the background is in focus, sometimes the foreground, I just snap away till I get a shot I like and delete the rest. I do think I should learn more about photography at some point really, but it seems so complicated... xxx

    1. thanks!
      so i will try to be patient - like you - and to not give up after the 3. foto :-)

  3. So verdant and green , I can almost smell the flora from here!
    Sorry you've both been ill, hopefully by surrounding yourself with so much beauty you'll be better in no time. xxx

    1. thanx!
      now i´m better but that day i could smell nothing.......

  4. You have such stunningly beautiful places to go walking! I hope you didn't overdo it if you've been ill. I'm sure the fresh air and exercise, the sunshine and beautiful scenery is all good for you. If it were me, I'd forget to limit myself and I'd walk too long and too far and then be exhausted for days after. That won't happen to you!
    Your photographs are always so lovely and I appreciate them so much because then I get to feel a little bit like I went on the walk too. As Vix says, I can almost smell it!
    xoxo Take care of yourself!

    1. thank you shawna!
      i´m very "grown up" up in such things like planing the tour with the actual fitness in mind. some bad experiences in the far past. and hubby is a good reminder too. both soooo reasonable ;-)

  5. How very, magically marvelous!!! It's a tie for me, between which element of this verdant landscape I adore more: the Victorian date or those absolutely gorgeous clover (shamrocks). I've never seen prettier ones before in my life (and I lived in Ireland for two years! :)). You really do live in such a wonderfully majestic part of the world, dear Beate.

    ♥ Jessica
