Mittwoch, 7. Mai 2014

schön vegetarisch

aus gesundheitlichen gründen wird im bahnwärterhaus ja grösstenteils ohne fleisch gekocht...
rezepte gefällig?

spaghetti mit würzigem spinat

zuerst nudelwasser aufsetzen.

frischen blattspinat waschen, abtropfen lassen, in einen grossen topf tun (ohne extra wasser!) - nicht vor der menge erschrecken, das erledigt sich sehr schnell.

während die nudeln kochen und der spinat eindampft - zwiebel-, paprika- und knoblauchwürfel in olivenöl anbraten. mit pfeffer, oregano, basilikum, rosmarin würzen - aber sparsam! der geschmack der gemüse soll nicht übertüncht werden.

wenn der spinat nur noch den topfboden bedeckt und das meiste wasser hoffentlich verdunstet ist - die abgegossenen spaghetti und angebratenen gemüse dazutun - umrühren.

wenn man hat - wir hatten nicht - mit geriebenem parmesan servieren.......


weisse aubergine auf polenta

polenta nach packungsanleitung zubereiten - aber unbedingt würzen!
ich nehme gern gekörnte gemüsebrühe und eine prise einer arabischen gewürzmischung....

aubergine (es geht auch eine klassische lilafarbene) auf der schnittfläche scharf in öl anbraten 
- dann wenden, etwas wasser angiessen - mit rosmarin und basilikum bestreuen, pfeffern&salzen - deckel drauf. 
köcheln lassen.
(zum testen ob gar mit messer piken)

teller mit frisch gepflücktem salat dekorieren - für grossen hunger mit feta reichen!


12 Kommentare:

  1. These both look absolutely delicious - I love any dish with spinach or aubergine so I would be very happy with either! xxx

  2. Oh yummy! I am so hungry now and not likely to manage cooking anything nearly as tasty or beautiful. Your food is art!

    1. too much of honor :-)
      thank you - but i´m sure if there would be "someone" to cook for your meals would be beautiful and tasty to no end!

  3. My translate button isn't working today, but I can make out vegetarian so I know that I need to know more! x

    1. you are such clever and creative gal - so i´m sure you can cook this without completely knowing my humble recipe ;-)
      or copy&paste in´to google translator like i do it all the time...

  4. Thanks for you really helpful comment, Beate. I wish now I had tried to match the print at the front, but like you say, eliminating the front seam altogether would be even better. And you are quite right, the bust darts are often too high on vintage clothes, I never thought to try moving them. You are GOOD!
    Sorry to highjack your post with this, but I don't have an email address for you. But thank you, I am keen to learn, and your experience and skills are a very valuable help to me. xxxx

    1. you are very welcome!
      will give you the email address for further questions....

  5. Love love love eggplants! Can it them any day - though I still am not very god at preparing them myself! I'd love to stop by your railroad carer house for some yummy vegetarian food. :) xxo

    1. oh yes! please come over :-)
      preparing eggplant is not easy for me too - but i think it depends on the quality. the usual supermarked ones usually I will not manage. this one and the aubergines we had at corsica were a dream to prepare!

  6. You seem like you take good care of yourself and your husband! What a joy to be able to create so artistic dishes! Creativity shows in all your actions! I love eggplants but their peculiar taste is heavy on my children so I don't often cook it. When I do I make mousaka, you must know this famous touristic but delicious dish!

    1. of cause i know mousaka! but in germany it´s mostly bad made :-(

  7. This looks oh so wonderful!! I would have loved to try it :) I enjoy cooking and making food my family enjoys. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving such a sweet comment, it was really kind. I love Esem & The Laneway blog, that was a great post of hers, am happy you liked my comment & that it brought you to my blog too. You are always welcome to my blog as well :) Now after seeing these dishes, I am hungry, haha!! I wish you a beautiful weekend, lots of love <3 Kizzy xx
