nach einem trüben scirocco-tag entlud sich das ganze in einem mächtigen gewitter. wir wurden ordentlich nass auf dem weg zum boot linie 1, den grossen kanal runter zum markusplatz.
rechts und links märchenpaläste, authentisch vor sich hin rottend, aber voller leben - museen, hotels, behörden, casino....
an alle fotoenthusiasten: es gewitterte, dämmerte und das boot schwankte wie hölle - also keine meckerei bitte über unschärfen. auch die palazzi sind nicht sooo schief in wirklichkeit.....
mercato |
wie viele boote passen unter die rialtobrücke? |
die terrasse der brunettis ;-) |
ein bisschen jugendstil |
rosa rosen für shawna |
die fassade dieses hauses ist komplett mit mosaiken überzogen:
und hier das ganze im schein der untergehenden sonne - magie!!!
gute nacht!
Oh Beate, these photos are so beautiful, they make me want to run away to Venice immediately! The light is gorgeous, I love the Rialto bridge, and that house with the mosaic is extraordinary. Magical. xxx
AntwortenLöschenthank you!
Oh it's all so beautiful! It does seem magical. And those pink roses! You might never tear me away from the! I would bury my nose in them and talk to the bees. Thank you for sharing the roses with me, dear friend! And for sharing Venice!
lately a friend told me there is a "secret gardens tour" in venice where you can go inside of all this magical gardens behind the walls. next time.....
That sounds wonderfu! You must go there next time for certain!
What wonderful photos, the mosaic house is incredible with the light reflecting from it. I love the elegance and faded glamour of Venice and feel the need to read The talented Mr Ripley all over again. xxx
AntwortenLöschenthanx :-)
As I turned my ipad this way and that to capture portrait and landscape in all it's magnificence, I felt I was there on the boat with you looking through a window at the view.
AntwortenLöschenDid you notice the mosaics are about an art transaction?
Only Venice can do golden mosaiced buildings that capture the light just so, against watery canals that seem to be lapping at the very magnificence!
I have loved travelling with you so much. Thanks for putting me into your suitcase ;-)
it was me a pleasure :-)
Löscheni noticed the theme of the mosaic only in the pics, the boot was to fast.......
There is an almost surreal (as in impossible to believe) quality to so much of the architecture and artistry of Italy and you have done such a fantastic job of capturing a good deal of it in all of your recent travel posts, dear Beate. How wonderful it must have been to see, experience and some cases, touch, these decades and often centuries old environmental masterpieces. I hope with all my heart that I can follow in your travel footsteps one day and see Italy in person, too.
AntwortenLöschen♥ Jessica