von links nach rechts: lavendel, rosmarin, estragon, basilikum, kapuzinerkresse |
das anlegen der beete im zeitigen frühling war eine höllenarbeit.....
aber es hat sich gelohnt!
komposterde - selbstgebastelt ;-) |
schnittlauch, petersilie, salat, kresse, liebstöckl, minze, dill und ringelblumen |
wir essen uns seit wochen satt an frischgepflückten kräutern:
liebstöckl und dill |
schnittlauch, pflücksalat, radischen |
und trotzdem gibt es noch reichlich überhang zum trocknen:
rosmarin, basilikum, estragon |
trockenplatz im halbrenovierten treppenflur..... |
wir denken schon über ein trockengestell nach!
und dann kann man das ganze ja noch prima "verwursten".
die gewöhnlichsten gerichte bekommen mit kräutern eine ganz neue note. vor allem weil die selbstgezogenen hundertmal aromatischer sind als alles was man im supermarkt kaufen kann.......
kapuzinerkressepesto, getrocknete tomaten mit olivenöl und kräutern eingelegt |
pak choi, tomate, couscous mit kräuterbutter von eigenen gartenkräutern |
gemischte hülsenfrüchte mit viiieel frischen kräutern |
kräuterquark - mmmhhhh!!!! |
kalte gurkensuppe mit dill |
nudeln mit bohnen, pilzen, gartenkräutern und ringelblumen |
die natur ist doch wundersam. was im zeitigen frühling nur kahle erde und schwere arbeit war ist zum kleinen garten eden geworden.
nicht nur schön anzusehen sondern auch noch essbar........
Oh Beate, you make me feel sooo nostalgic - I miss my container gardening. Maybe I'll make a post about it. I am with you 100% - gardening is a very creative field, well, if you approach it that way, and it's almost impossible not to. I only knew one person who planted garden ONLY because it was practical (she was German, oddly enough), but she actually hated taking care of it. She was super creative in many other ways, and a wonderful lady!
AntwortenLöschenSuch gorgeous, yummy, pretty garden. So much work, I know. But it is so rewarding, isn't it?
We are "sitting on suitcases" for months now, anticipating moving. Such a hard state to be in. So everything around me is a mess - garden is abandoned, home too... I miss having a lovely home and plants in my pots, but I can't bring myself to making it all here - it's like living in my past. Sorry for my sadness in your such full of life post, forgive me for it.
Your garden is amazing, and so are you!
Love xxxxx
nothing to worry my dear!
Löschenit´s hard to live in transition between two homes. but in your new home you can open a brand new page in your "making home book"! maybe until then you can have one little plant to take care of as a symbol of your future garden and house :-)
I should not have read this post while hungry! Now I am ready to eat everything in sight! As always your food pictures are beautiful art and I love your potager! I have a large washtub which would be right at home in your garden with some herbs and veggies in it. I hauled it out of a dumpster but can't figure out how I want to use it indoors. My balcony is too small to use it as a planter out there. Your garden looks so beautiful I wish I could come and sit, no wander around and touch a smell everything.
you´r welcome every time :-)
What a wonderful lot of herbs and flowers to enjoy! And you really make the most of them. Our veggie patch died a little in our 40degree heat last summer even with the grey water from our shower and curtain covering! It revived a little in Autumn coolness, but as I'm not a cook and the kids don't like herbs much, it's hard to remember to do all the drying and so on. But I have chives, parsley and spring onions in pots that are regularly picked for the table :-)
AntwortenLöschenEnjoy the rewards of your hard efforts! Enjoy your summer paradise. XO JJ
thank you!
Löschenkeeping a garden in your extreme climate seem very difficult to me - brave of you to try anyway. a kitchen pot garden is a good way to start and maybe the kids will take care of a plant - and then learn to eat herbs while playing....
How utterly wonderful - your hard work has paid off, your garden looks beautiful and I'm lusting after your delicious preserves and pestos.
AntwortenLöschenOurs is woefully neglected this year, we've missed too many weekends by being away. xxx
Löschenif i had your job i had to hire a gardener.....
Your herbs and the dishes you have created with them look wonderful, Beate. It is hard work to create and maintain a productive garden, but what joy it brings, and such gorgeous things to eat! I love being able to pop out of the back door and pick fresh herbs. xxx
AntwortenLöschenyes! it was always a dream of me to walk out of the kitchen into the garden and take what the dish need :-)
Creating a garden is a great way to nurture the ones you love. I have failed in this area hugely. However I always have considered gardening as a hobby for people when they get older. So I wait for my moment to do it.
AntwortenLöschenI like the way you used your herbs and I'm intriqued by the way you mixed flower petals in your dishes.
I also like the simplicity of the ingrediants and how they come to life with the herbs. You know how to live the good,simple life!!!
a garden needs time! and you´r such a busy gal with your family and business - a garden would be to much - or?
Löschenso don´t worry - the time will come :-)
And what time is dinner tonight? :) Sweet Beate, your garden is teaming with so many healthy, fantastic greens, herbs and vegetables. I want to pull out a fork and dig in right now - especially with the dill and radishes. How wonderful that you guys can avail of Mother Nature's bounty for your table and that your crops are yielding a sizable array of different foods. All of these dishes and canned items look so scrumptious - my tummy is rumbling just looking at them! :)
AntwortenLöschen♥ Jessica
wine or beer?