Samstag, 3. Mai 2014

frühlingswanderung durch´s

ich brauchte mal ´ne pause - falls sich jemand fragt warum es hier so still ist und ich nichts von mir hören lasse - kommentarmässig. 
die wanderung war schon im april. auf geht´s.....

der frühling war gerade richtig. das grün schön zart, die ersten blümelein, sonnenschein........

weil ich zu faul war (die faulheit wurde auch prompt bestraft) mir gedanken zu machen haben wir an einer geführten wanderung teilgenommen.

die erste hälfte der strecke verlief auf der trasse einer ehemaligen schmalspurbahnstrecke......

mit tunnels......

.....und brücken.

die platterbse stand in voller blüte.

halbzeit - auf einem felssporn über dem tal eine künstliche ruine aus der romantischen zeit - auf diesem platz war im mittelalter tatsächlich eine burg.

der liebe mann hat sich auch gefreut:

der rückweg führte über wiesenhügel.......

tierchen haben wir auch getroffen.
dieser feuersalamander spazierte ganz freiwillig auf ursulas hand....

ein ganz frisches kälbchen, noch ganz staksig........

eine route mit potenzial, das nächste mal gehe ich sie aber genau andersherum - damit man am ende, wenn man etwas erschöpft ist, schön gemütlich auf der alten bahnstrecke schlendern kann statt steile hügel rauf- und - besonders anstrengend - runterzurennen. 
überhaupt - wenn kaum mal zeit für fotos bleibt ist das tempo zu hoch. definitiv. 

8 Kommentare:

  1. I missed you madly, Beate, and I am so happy to see you - I want to give you a big HUG! You look completely adorable in this outfit, I wish there are more photos of details. It warms my heart to look at your photo and your husband's outfit photo too! You guys are sooo cute and cozy together!

    The hike is beautiful and peaceful. What a pretty countryside... I wish I was there to walk with you. :) You know that in the USSR there was one very trustworthy brand called Salamander - we thought their shoes were the best! I had a few pairs over the years. I remember white suede boots (similar to Doc Martens) for winter, made of sheepskin. I bought them in 90s (so, post-USSR). My school graduation shoes were also by Salamander. I remember they were way to small for my feet, but we considered lucky to buy them anyway... I think I gave them to my aunt later. The photo of the real salamander reminded me of that. This one is so pretty and bright in the sun! I had no idea they volunteer to sit on hands like that. :)

    1. - hugs back -
      thank you for liking my wander dirndl! :-)
      the "salamander" brand is actually a west-german brand that exported a lot in the east-zone, in the GDR we could buy this shoes too. and we too thought they were the best! but i had always hassle with the fit - they were a half size to small or to big - always.....

    2. Yep, that's exactly what I'm talking about - the German Salamander! I wasn't sure if they are from West or East Germany though. Cool that you had them too. :)

  2. What a beautiful hiking spot! And fantastic photos too! I miss being able to go hiking but at least I now get to take hikes around the world from the safety of my sofa! ;-)

    What stunning salamander and not shy. Our little brown salamanders are very likely to scurry away from people.

    Thank you for sharing all of this beauty!

    1. like you i live in a region where other people would spend the holidays....
      usually the little salamanders here are very shy too - but ursula is a very lovely girl - so the creature had no fear to enter her hand!

  3. Were your ears burning yesterday? You were one of the women Curtise and I were discussing in our conversation about lovely and interesting bloggers. Your walking outfit is gorgeous and your man looks like my Dad did as a young mountaineer in the 1960s! xxx

  4. I missed this post! But I'm glad I've caught up - what a beautiful place to go hiking, the scenery is stunning. It has a real air of serenity and peaceful beauty.
    Love your walking outfit too! xxx
